Richard Garvey Intermediate

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Policies » --Student Responsibilities

--Student Responsibilities

It is expected that each student:


1) Will attend school regularly and on time.

a)   REGULAR ATTENDANCE is one of the most important requirements for a successful school year. All students are required to attend school daily by California law, and studies show a direct relationship between attendance and grades.

b)   Even though illness, medical appointments, funerals, and court appearances are “excused” absences in California, the school is only reimbursed for actual days of attendance; the school loses money when you are not here.

c)   When ABSENT call the school attendance office by 9:00 at (626) 927-5636 or bring a note from a parent/guardian when returning.

d)   More than 10 absences per year is considered “excessive”, and will result in legal action through S.A.R.B. (School Attendance Review Board) unless notes from a medical doctor are provided upon returning from an absence.

e)   Tardiness: Any student who reports to homeroom after 8:18 may be assigned break detention. Any student with 4 tardiness will be assigned Saturday School: if not served, a suspension will follow.

f)   Truancy: A tardy of more than 30 minutes and/or failure to attend one or more classes is considered to be“truancy”. All truancies will be assigned to Saturday School without warning. Repeated tardiness and truancy will result in a referral to S.A.R.B. and possible assignment of the parent/guardian to attend classes with the student.